Estora - The return of the Goddess from the underworld, bringing new life with her.
Spring has definitely sprung but yesterday the weather turned wet and grey, dampening not only my pile of freshly cut logs, but my spirits also. Whilst a lot of what I do, I do on my own, I very much miss having Emma and Fran here to share it with. Only one more day of solitude left.
Lunch - MkIII Loaf |
Whiled away a fair few hours continuing to dream about the many different air rifles I wish to buy immediately with all my plentiful dream money. They are;
The Hatsan AT44-10:
Hatsan AT44-10 |
Aside from the side lever cocking action, the 10 shot magazine and the fact its very competitively priced, I love the tactical thumbhole stock. Oh, and the brass magazine retaining bolt, and the gold plated trigger.
As wells as the detachable air bottle....
The Air Arms TX200 HC (Hunter Carbine).
Air Arms TX 200 |
Admittedly its Daddy is a rip off of the mighty Weihrauch HW77 of the 80's, and its a toss up between this and a HW97k,
Weihrauch HW97K |
but the Air Arms fixed barrel underlever rifle, wins on price.
The HW100FSB?
The HW100T?
The HW100K/KT/S/KS?
One of them anyway. Brand new these puppies are around £600-£800. Justifiably so too. The bets pre-charged pneumatic rifle money can buy with a 14 shot magazine (x2) and silencer included, its the dogs dangly bits. I would settle for second hand therefore fate will decide which variant I get I imagine.
I am aware my list is PCP heavy with only one springer (two if you count my rapidly ageing Hatsan MOD55S) I guess a Weihrauch HW90 is an option, Employing the Theoben Gas Ram system,
Weihrauch HW90 |
but then why not buy a Theoben? Too expensive? Well Hatsan do a gas ram version of the MOD 60s (my rifle but in .22 calibre) for approx £225 peanuts compared to a Weihrauch or Theoben, but probably for good reason.
If I had written this list earlier in the month, the dependable Air Arms S200 would definitely have been top,
Air Arms S200 |
but the Webley Raider 10 wins on price as well as possibly on pedigree.
Webley Raider 10. |
Many would disagree in practice, but the theory is the S200 is a lightweight target rifle whereas the Raider is a solid hunter, hence my decision to buy a Raider. That's with scope, silencer (despite the already fully shrouded barrel) and gun slip for £310 inc p&p! (Lets hope the old adage "buy cheap, buy twice" does NOT ring true).
One cheeky little number I am also thinking about is the BSA Ultra Tactical Multishot,
The BSA Ultra Carbine |
although its single shot brother is £150 cheaper. A fantastic weapon I have on loan in walnut stock flavour from Nigel next door.
Was out with it this evening, saw bugger all until in the fading light a duck flew very close on the other side of the hedge bank where I knew there to be a small pond. I spent forever sidling round to get a shot but it took off just in time. Being that the Ultra is pretty quiet and comes with a silencer as standard, a spot of goose poaching might become a damn sight easier.
The cats had the right idea. They refrained from a long ass walk and probably had more hunting opportunities than I did.
The Professionals. Greeted my return with disdain. |
M Jones